/** * An attempt of a call, which resulted either in a result returned by the call, * or in a Throwable thrown by the call. * * @param <V> The type returned by the wrapped callable. * @author JB */ publicinterfaceAttempt<V>
/** * Executes the given callable. If the rejection predicate * accepts the attempt, the stop strategy is used to decide if a new attempt * must be made. Then the wait strategy is used to decide how much time to sleep * and a new attempt is made. * * @param callable the callable task to be executed * @return the computed result of the given callable * @throws ExecutionException if the given callable throws an exception, and the * rejection predicate considers the attempt as successful. The original exception * is wrapped into an ExecutionException. * @throws RetryException if all the attempts failed before the stop strategy decided * to abort, or the thread was interrupted. Note that if the thread is interrupted, * this exception is thrown and the thread's interrupt status is set. */ public V call(Callable<V> callable)throws ExecutionException, RetryException { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); //说明:根据 attemptNumber 进行循环 —— 也就是重试多少次 for (int attemptNumber = 1; ; attemptNumber++) { //说明:进入方法不等待,立即执行一次 Attempt<V> attempt; try { //说明:执行 callable 中的具体业务 //attemptTimeLimiter 限制了每次尝试等待的时常 V result = attemptTimeLimiter.call(callable); //利用调用结果构造新的 attempt attempt = new ResultAttempt<V>(result, attemptNumber, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startTime)); } catch (Throwable t) { attempt = new ExceptionAttempt<V>(t, attemptNumber, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startTime)); }
//说明:遍历自定义的监听器 for (RetryListener listener : listeners) { listener.onRetry(attempt); }
//说明:判断是否满足重试条件,来决定是否继续等待并进行重试 if (!rejectionPredicate.apply(attempt)) { return attempt.get(); }
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