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Live My Life
I don’t know where I am going, but I am on my way......
Calling Third-party API
Docker Compose
Dubbo Zookeeper
Github (Open-Source)
Guava Retrying
Java 多线程高并发练习
Java 杂记
Spring Boot
Spring Cloud Alibaba
Spring Cloud Netflix
Spring MVC
Spring Profile
Spring Session
Apache HttpClient
Guava Cache
Spring Retry
Spring RestTemplate
Analytics and Sitemap Settings
How to use analytics and sitemap...
Four Ways to Deploy Hexo
How to deploy hexo...
Github 加速优化
What is the DNS and CDN...
[Hexo] 1.1 建站
Hexo 建站
[Hexo] 1.2 配置
Hexo 的配置
[Hexo] 1.3 指令
Hexo 指令
[Hexo] 1 搭建个人博客
Hexo 的安装
[Hexo] 2 开始搭建 Github Pages
搭建 Github Pages
[Hexo] 3 Hexo 修改主题
修改 Hexo 主题
[Hexo] 4 Hexo 图片插入
Hexo 图片插入
Analytics and Sitemap Settings
How to use analytics and sitemap...
Four Ways to Deploy Hexo
How to deploy hexo...
Github 加速优化
What is the DNS and CDN...
A succinct hexo theme...
How to Use Internationalization(i18n)
Hexo-Theme-LiveMyLife supports multiple languages...
How to Use Mathjax
Beautiful and accessible math in all browsers...
How to apply JsDelivr CDN in Hexo-theme-livemylife Theme
A free CDN for Open Source fast, reliable, and automated...
Hexo-Theme-LiveMyLife -- cn
A succinct hexo theme...
[Annotation] 自定义注解
反射、自定义注解、Lambda 结合练习
Reflect、Annotation and Lambda
[Atom] 1 Atom
A hackable text editor for the 21st Century...
[Atom] 2 Sync Settings for Atom
Synchronize settings, keymaps, user styles, init script, snippets and installed packages across Atom instances...
Calling Third-party API
[Calling Third-party API] 1 How to call Third-party API
Making HTTP requests is a core feature of modern programming, and is often one of the first things you want to do when learning a new programming language. For Java programmers there are many ways to do it - core libraries in the JDK and third-party libraries...
[Calling Third-party API - Java API] 2 Core Java APIs for making Java http requests
A URLConnection with support for HTTP-specific features. An HttpClient can be used to send requests and retrieve their responses...
[Calling Third-party API - WebService] 2 CXF 服务端开发
CXF 服务端开发
[Calling Third-party API - WebService] 1 WebService
[Calling Third-party API - WebService] 3 SOAP 消息和 WSDL 文件解析
SOAP 消息和 WSDL 文件解析
[Calling Third-party API - WebService] 4 CXF、AXIS 客户端开发
CXF、AXIS 客户端开发
[Calling Third-party API - Apache HttpClient] HttpClient Tutorial
HttpClient is a HTTP/1.1 compliant HTTP agent implementation based on HttpCore. It also provides reusable components for client-side authentication, HTTP state management, and HTTP connection management...
[Calling Third-party API - OpenFeign] 1 Feign makes writing java http clients easier
Feign is a Java to HTTP client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket. Feign's first goal was reducing the complexity of binding Denominator uniformly to HTTP APIs regardless of ReSTfulness...
[Calling Third-party API - OpenFeign] 5 Feign Spring Cloud upload、download File
Feign is a Java to HTTP client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket. Feign's first goal was reducing the complexity of binding Denominator uniformly to HTTP APIs regardless of ReSTfulness...
[Calling Third-party API - OpenFeign] 3 Feign Call Case
Feign is a Java to HTTP client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket. Feign's first goal was reducing the complexity of binding Denominator uniformly to HTTP APIs regardless of ReSTfulness...
[Calling Third-party API - Spring RestTemplate] The Guide to RestTemplate
Synchronous client to perform HTTP requests, exposing a simple, template method API over underlying HTTP client libraries such as the JDK HttpURLConnection, Apache HttpComponents, and others...
[Calling Third-party API - OpenFeign] 4 Feign Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker Fallbacks
Feign is a Java to HTTP client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket. Feign's first goal was reducing the complexity of binding Denominator uniformly to HTTP APIs regardless of ReSTfulness...
[Calling Third-party API - OpenFeign] 2 DefaultFeignClient Case and Summary
Feign is a Java to HTTP client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket. Feign's first goal was reducing the complexity of binding Denominator uniformly to HTTP APIs regardless of ReSTfulness...
[Calling Third-party API - WebService] 2 CXF 服务端开发
CXF 服务端开发
[Calling Third-party API - WebService] 1 WebService
[Calling Third-party API - WebService] 3 SOAP 消息和 WSDL 文件解析
SOAP 消息和 WSDL 文件解析
[Calling Third-party API - WebService] 4 CXF、AXIS 客户端开发
CXF、AXIS 客户端开发
[Charles] 1 Charles
Web debugging proxy application...
[Charles] 2 How to Use Charles
Web debugging proxy application...
[Date] 1 How to get current date time
The main API for dates, times, instants, and durations.
[Docker] 1 Docker 简介
Docker 简介
[Docker] 2 Docker 基本概念
Docker 基本概念
[Docker] 3 Docker 安装
Docker 安装
[Docker] 4.1 Docker 列出镜像
Docker 列出镜像
[Docker] 4.2 Docker 删除本地镜像
Docker 删除本地镜像
[Docker] 4.3 使用 Dockerfile 定制镜像
Dockerfile 定制镜像
[Docker] 4.4 Dockerfile 指令详解
Dockerfile 指令详解
[Docker] 4 Docker 镜像
Docker 获取镜像
[Docker] 5 Docker 容器
Docker 容器
[Docker] 6 Docker 仓库
Docker 仓库
[Docker] 7.1 Docker 数据管理简洁
Docker 数据管理简洁
[Docker] 8.1 Docker 部署 Tomcat
Docker 部署 Tomcat
[Docker] 7.2 Docker 数据管理深入
Docker 数据管理深入
[Docker] 8.2 Docker 部署 MySQL 8.0.17
Docker 部署 MySQL 8.0.17
[Docker] Docker 常用命令
Docker 常用命令
[Docker] Docker 插件部署 Spring Boot 项目(IDEA 中)
IDEA 中 Docker 插件部署 Spring Boot 项目
Docker Compose
[Docker Compose] 1 Docker Compose 简介
Docker Compose 简介
[Docker Compose] 2 Docker Compose 安装与卸载
Docker Compose 安装与卸载
[Docker Compose] 3 Docker Compose 命令说明
Docker Compose 命令说明
[Docker Compose] 4.1 Docker Compose 部署 Tomcat
Docker Compose 部署 Tomcat
[Docker Compose] 4.2 Docker Compose 部署 MySQL
Docker Compose 部署 MySQL
Dubbo Zookeeper
[Dubbo Zookeeper] 1 Apache Dubbo Zookeeper
Apache Dubbo Zookeeper
[Dubbo Zookeeper] 10 Dubbo + Kryo 实现高速序列化
Dubbo + Kryo 实现高速序列化
[Dubbo Zookeeper] 11 Dubbo + Hystrix 实现服务熔断
Dubbo + Hystrix 实现服务熔断
[Dubbo Zookeeper] 12 Dubbo + Hystrix 熔断器仪表盘
Dubbo + Hystrix 熔断器仪表盘
[Dubbo Zookeeper] 2 什么是分布式锁
[Dubbo Zookeeper] 3 什么是 Zookeeper
什么是 Zookeeper
[Dubbo Zookeeper] 4 Zookeeper 如何实现分布式锁
Zookeeper 如何实现分布式锁
[Dubbo Zookeeper] 5.1 基于 Docker 安装 Zookeeper
基于 Docker 安装 Zookeeper
[Dubbo Zookeeper] 5.2 Linux 下手动安装 Zookeeper
Linux 下手动安装 Zookeeper
[Dubbo Zookeeper] 6 Zookeeper 配置说明
Zookeeper 配置说明
[Dubbo Zookeeper] 7 什么是 Dubbo
什么是 Dubbo
[Dubbo Zookeeper] 8 Dubbo 应用案例
Dubbo 应用案例
[Dubbo Zookeeper] 9 Dubbo 的负载均衡
Dubbo 的负载均衡
[Generics] 泛型实现原理
Generic implementation principle...
[Generics] 泛型
[Git] 1 Git 简介和安装
Git 简介和安装
[Git] 2 Git 的一般工作流程
Git 的一般工作流程
[Git] 3 Git 命令
Git 命令
[Git] 4 TortoiseGit 简介和安装
TortoiseGit 简介和安装
[Git] 5 Git 实战总结
Git 实战总结
[Git] 7 Git Tag And Git Branch
Git Tag And Git Branch
[Git] 6 Git 不常用到的命令(看懂这个 git 你就懂了)
看懂这个 git 你就懂了
[GitLab] 1 GitLab 简介和安装
GitLab 简介和安装
[GitLab] 2 GitLab 初始化设置和项目创建
GitLab 初始化设置和项目创建
Github (Open-Source)
[Github (Open-Source)] GitHub's 10 essential open source projects
A premium and open source dashboard template with a responsive and high-quality UI...
Guava Retrying
[Guava Retrying] Guava Retrying
This is a small extension to Google's Guava library to allow for the creation of configurable retrying strategies for an arbitrary function call...
[IDEA] IDEA 26款实用插件
IDEA 实用插件
[IDEA] IDEA 中 Bower 的使用
Bower 的使用
[IDEA] IDEA 中 Run Dashboard 面板开启
Run Dashboard 面板开启
[IDEA] IDEA 使用前最好修改的配置
IDEA 的配置
[IDEA] IDEA 如何设置类头注释和方法注释
IDEA 设置类头、方法注释
[IDEA] IDEA 安装及破解
以 ideaIU-2019.1.1 版本为例
[IDEA] IDEA 实现 Java 远程调试
Remote JVM Debug...
[IDEA] IDEA 设置代码自动提示快捷键
IDEA 设置(Alt + /)
[IDEA] JRebel & XRebel 插件安装和使用
JRebel is a productivity tool that allows developers to reload code changes instantly... XRebel is a performance tool for Java development which gives developers real time performance insights to help them understand and resolve potential issues faster and earlier, during the development phase...
[IDEA] MybatisCodeHelperPro 插件破解版安装
IDEA Mybatis 插件安装及使用
[IDEA] MybatisCodeHelperPro 操作使用
Mybatis 插件操作使用
[IO] 1 IO 基础概念
Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system...
[IO] 2 File 类的使用
An abstract representation of file and directory pathnames...
[IO] 3 IO 流原理及流的分类
Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system...
[IO] 4 节点流和处理流
Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system...
[IO] 5 How to Download a File from a URL in Java
There are multiple ways to download a file using Java code...
[JDK8] 1 Lambda 表达式
Lambda 表达式
[JDK8] 10 通用 Builder 创建对象
你可以 new 一个对象...
[JDK8] 2 函数式接口
[JDK8] 3 方法引用与构造方法引用
[JDK8] 5 Optional 类
A container object which may or may not contain a non-null value.
[JDK8] 7 Lambda 总结
Lambda 总结
[JDK8] 8 ParallelStream
[JDK8] 9 Map 几个新方法
[JDK8] 4 Stream API
Stream API
[JDK8] 6 Lambda 表达式练习
Practice something...
反射、自定义注解、Lambda 结合练习
Reflect、Annotation and Lambda
[JSON] 1 Jackson 的用法
Jackson 的用法
[JSON] 2 FastJson 的用法
FastJson 的用法
[Web] 3 Servlet 输出 JSON 数据
Servlet 输出 JSON 数据
[Web] 4 Servlet 中 ajax 的应用
Servlet 中 ajax 的应用
[JSON] 1 Jackson 的用法
Jackson 的用法
[Web] 1 Web 学习总结
Web 学习基础
[Web] 2 重定向与请求转发
[Web] 3 Servlet 输出 JSON 数据
Servlet 输出 JSON 数据
[Web] 4 Servlet 中 ajax 的应用
Servlet 中 ajax 的应用
[Web] 5 Web 项目中 Mybatis 配置 C3p0 和 Druid 连接池
Web 配置 C3p0 和 Druid
[JUC] 1 Java 容器
[JUC] 2 Java 集合容器
Java 集合
[JUC] 3.1 Java 并发容器
Java 并发容器
[JUC] 3.3 ArrayBlockingQueue 和 LinkedBlockingQueue
Java 并发容器
[JUC] Unsafe
[JUC] 3.2 Java 并发容器 -- 队列
Queue 队列总结
[JUC] Java 并发编程知识点梳理
it's too hard......
[JUC] synchronized 的底层实现
Unsafe、CAS、Java Object Layout、Lock Upgrade...
[JUnit] 1 JUnit 用法
JUnit 单元测试
[JUnit] 2 JUnit 断言
JUnit 断言
Java 多线程高并发练习
[Java 多线程高并发练习] 2 ReentrantLock、ThreadLocal、线程安全单例
[Java 多线程高并发练习] 3 经典面试题
[Java 多线程高并发练习] 4 并发容器案例
[Java 多线程高并发练习] 1 synchronized、volatile、AtomicXXX
Java 杂记
[Java 杂记] GoF 单例模式
[Java 杂记] GoF 的23种设计模式
[Java 杂记] JVM 浅谈
JVM 简介
[Java 杂记] Java 中 Char 数组转换为 List 集合
Char 数组转换为 List 集合
[Java 杂记] Java 中精度丢失问题
使用 BigDecimal 的 string 构造函数
[Java 杂记] Java 内存泄露风险
[Java 杂记] List 的 remove() 方法陷阱以及性能优化
List 的 remove() 方法陷阱
[Java 杂记] @RequestBody 和 @RequestParam 区别
RequestBody 和 RequestParam 区别
[Java 杂记] 四种常见的 POST 提交数据方式
四种常见的 POST 提交数据方式
[Java 杂记] 表驱动法和 if-else,switch-case 优化
What is a "table-driven method"?
[Java 杂记] Java 中的 BigDecimal
The BigDecimal class provides operations for arithmetic, scale manipulation, rounding, comparison, hashing, and format conversion...
[Java 杂记] 六大设计原则
[Linux] 1 Linux 远程控制管理
Linux 远程控制管理
[Linux] 2 Linux 的目录结构
Linux 的目录结构
[Linux] 3 Linux 操作文件目录
Linux 操作文件目录
[Linux] 4 Linux 系统管理命令
Linux 系统管理命令
[Linux] 5 Linux 开关机命令
Linux 开关机命令
[Linux] 6 Linux 压缩命令
Linux 压缩命令
[Linux] 7 Linux 编辑器
Linux 编辑器
[Linux] Linux 简介
Linux 简介
[Linux] VMware 安装
VMware Workstation Pro is the industry standard desktop hypervisor for running virtual machines on Linux or Windows PCs...
[Linux] VMware 虚拟机三种网络模式详解
VMware Workstation Pro is the industry standard desktop hypervisor for running virtual machines on Linux or Windows PCs...
[Log4j] 1 Log4j 简介
Log4j 简介
[Log4j] 2 Log4j 日志文件
Slf4j 简介
[Logback] 1 Logback 介绍
Introduction to logback...
[Logback] 5 Encoder
[Logback] 8 从 Log4j 迁移
Migration from log4j...
[Logback] 2 架构
[Logback] 9 Logback Case and Summary
Case and Summary...
[Logback] 7 Filters
[Logback] 3 Logback 的配置
[Logback] 6 Layout
[Logback] 4 Appenders
[MQ - RabbitMQ] 1 消息队列
[Mac] 1 Homebrew 的安装和简单使用
Homebrew 的安装和简单使用
[Mac] 10 Mac 安装配置 Nginx
Mac 安装配置 Nginx
[Mac] 2 Mac 终端神器 iTerm2 -- 告别黑白
Mac 终端神器 iTerm2
[Mac] 3 Mac 安装配置 JDK
Mac 安装配置 JDK
[Mac] 4 Mac 安装配置 Maven
Mac 安装配置 Maven
[Mac] 5 Mac 安装配置 MySQL
Mac 安装配置 MySQL
[Mac] 6 Mac 安装配置 Redis
Mac 安装配置 Redis
[Mac] 7 使用 Mac 自带服务器实现本地文件访问
使用 Mac 自带服务器实现本地
[Mac] 8 Mac 终端链接 Linux 服务器
Mac 终端链接 Linux 服务器
[Mac] 9 Mac 安装配置 Zookeeper
Mac 安装配置 Zookeeper
[Mac] Mac ifconfig 的各个端口
Mac ifconfig 的各个端口
[Mac] Mac 刷新 DNS 缓存
Reset the DNS cache in OS X...
[Mac] Mac 进程、端口、上传下载、压缩等命令
Mac 进程、端口、上传下载等命令
[Microservices] 1 浅谈微服务
Microservices are a modern approach to software whereby application code is delivered in small, manageable pieces, independent of others...
[Microservices] 2 微服务的特征
Microservices are a modern approach to software whereby application code is delivered in small, manageable pieces, independent of others...
[Microservices] 3 微服务架构设计模式
Microservices are a modern approach to software whereby application code is delivered in small, manageable pieces, independent of others...
[Microservices] 4 微服务的实践
Their small scale and relative isolation can lead to many additional benefits, such as easier maintenance, improved productivity, greater fault tolerance, better business alignment, and more...
[Microservices] 5 The difference between http and rpc
The difference between http and rpc...
[Mybatis] 1 MyBatis 简介
MyBatis 简介
[Mybatis] 2 Druid 简介
Druid 简介
[Mybatis] 3 Spring 整合 Druid
Spring 整合 Druid
[Mybatis] 4 Spring 整合 MyBatis
Spring 整合 MyBatis
[Mybatis] 5 MyBatis 测试和 CRUD
MyBatis 案例
[Mybatis] 6 MyBatis 动态 SQL
MyBatis 动态 SQL
[Mybatis] 7 MyBatis 一对一、一对多、多对多查询
[Mybatis] 8 MyBatis 中 jdbcType、javaType、ofType 的区别
jdbcType、javaType、ofType 的区别
[Mybatis] Mybatis 思维导图
图解 Mybatis
[Maven] Maven 插件自动生成 MyBatis 代码
MyBatis 配置文件自动生成
[Mybatis] 深解 Mybatis 配置文件中 -- 数据源配置的理解
Mybatis 数据源配置的理解
[Mybatis] 2 Druid 简介
Druid 简介
[Mybatis] 3 Spring 整合 Druid
Spring 整合 Druid
[Spring Boot] 6 Spring Boot 整合 Druid、MyBatis 和 PageHelper
整合 Druid、MyBatis 和 PageHelper
[Nexus] 1 Nexus 简介和安装
Nexus 简介和安装
[Nexus] 2 Nexus 相关设置和项目应用
Nexus 相关设置和项目应用
[PageHelper] Mybatis 分页插件 PageHelper
Mybatis 分页插件 PageHelper
[Spring Boot] 6 Spring Boot 整合 Druid、MyBatis 和 PageHelper
整合 Druid、MyBatis 和 PageHelper
[Reflect] 1 反射
[Reflect] 2 获取运行时类的结构
[Reflect] 3 反射相关练习
[Reflect] 4 动态代理
反射、自定义注解、Lambda 结合练习
Reflect、Annotation and Lambda
[Registry] 1 Docker Registry 私服和 WebUI 安装
Docker Registry 私服和 WebUI 安装
[Registry] 2 Docker Registry 客户端配置
Docker Registry 客户端配置
[Spring] 1 Spring
Spring 的总结
[Spring] 2 Spring IoC
Spring IoC
[Spring] 3 Spring 中 Bean 的装配方式
[Spring] 5.1 脏读、不可重复读、幻读
[Spring] 5 Spring 事务管理
Spring 事务管理
[Spring] 7 使用 Spring 注解管理事务
Spring @Transactional
[Spring] 4 Spring AOP
Spring AOP
[Spring] 6 使用 AspectJ 的 AOP 配置管理事务
Spring AspectJ
[Spring] 8 Spring 用到了那些设计模式
Design Pattern...
Spring Boot
[Spring Boot] 1 Spring Boot
什么是 Spring Boot
[Spring Boot] 2 Spring Boot 应用案例
Spring Boot 第一个应用程序
[Spring Boot] 3 Spring Boot 单元测试
Spring Boot 单元测试
[Spring Boot] 4 Spring Boot 常用配置
Spring Boot 常用配置
[Spring Boot] 5 Spring Boot 整合 Thymeleaf
第一个 Thymeleaf 模板页
[Spring Boot] 6 Spring Boot 整合 Druid、MyBatis 和 PageHelper
整合 Druid、MyBatis 和 PageHelper
[Spring Boot] 7 Spring Boot 测试 MyBatis 操作数据库
Spring Boot 测试 MyBatis 案例
[Spring Boot] 5 Spring Boot 整合 Thymeleaf
第一个 Thymeleaf 模板页
[Thymeleaf] 1 Thymeleaf
什么是 Thymeleaf
[Thymeleaf] 2 Thymeleaf 常用语法
Thymeleaf 常用语法
[Thymeleaf] 3 Thymeleaf 参考手册
Thymeleaf 参考手册
Spring Cloud Alibaba
[Spring Cloud Alibaba] 1 Spring Cloud Alibaba
Spring Cloud Alibaba provides a one-stop solution for distributed application development. It contains all the components required to develop distributed applications, making it easy for you to develop your applications using Spring Cloud...
[Spring Cloud Alibaba] 2 Create a Unified Parent Dependency Management
Dependency Management...
[Spring Cloud Alibaba] 3 Nacos Dynamic Naming and Configuration Service
An easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications...
[Spring Cloud Alibaba] 4 Start a Provider Application
Sample illustrates how to register a service to Nacos...
[Spring Cloud Alibaba] 5.1 Start a Consumer Application - LoadBalancer
Combining the LoadBalanceClient and RestTemolate explicitly to access the RESTful service...
[Spring Cloud Alibaba] 5.2 Start a Consumer Application - Feign
Access the service by using RestTemplate and FeignClient with load balancing...
Spring Cloud Netflix
[Spring Cloud Netflix] 1 Spring Cloud Netflix 简介
[Spring Cloud Netflix] 10 ZuulFilter 使用路由网关的服务过滤功能
[Spring Cloud Netflix] 12 ZipKin 服务链路追踪
[Spring Cloud Netflix] 13 Admin 服务监控
[Spring Cloud Netflix] 2 Dependencies 创建统一的依赖管理
[Spring Cloud Netflix] 3 Eureka 服务注册与发现
[Spring Cloud Netflix] 4 Service 创建服务提供者
[Spring Cloud Netflix] 5 Ribbon 创建服务消费者
[Spring Cloud Netflix] 6 Feign 创建服务消费者
[Spring Cloud Netflix] 7 Hystrix 使用熔断器防止服务雪崩
[Spring Cloud Netflix] 8 HystrixDashboard 使用熔断器仪表盘监控
[Spring Cloud Netflix] 9 Zuul 使用路由网关统一访问接口
[Spring Colud Netflix] 11 Config 分布式配置中心
[Spring Cloud Netflix] Spring Cloud 总结
Spring MVC
[Spring MVC] 1 Spring MVC 简介
Spring MVC 简介
[Spring MVC] 2 Spring 整合 Spring MVC
Spring MVC 配置
[Spring MVC] 3 Controller 控制器(例子)
Spring MVC 注解
[Spring MVC] 4 Spring MVC 拦截器的使用
Spring MVC 拦截器
[Spring MVC] 6 Spring MVC 表单标签库
Spring MVC 标签库
[Spring MVC] 7 Spring MVC @ModelAttribute
Spring MVC @ModelAttribute
[Spring MVC] 8 Spring MVC @ResponseBody
Spring MVC @ResponseBody
[Spring MVC] 5 Maven 模块化开发
Maven 模块化开发
Spring Profile
[Spring Profile] How to Use Spring Profile
Profiles are a core feature of the framework — allowing us to map our beans to different profiles — for example, dev, test, and prod....
Spring Session
[Spring Session] Spring Session 完成 session 共享
session 共享
[Swagger2] Swagger2 接口文档引擎的配置和使用
Swagger2 接口文档引擎的配置和使用
The Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model) is a conceptual model that characterises and standardises the communication functions of a telecommunication or computing system without regard to its underlying internal structure and technology. Its goal is the interoperability of diverse communication systems with standard communication protocols...
[TCP/IP] What is TCP/IP
The Internet protocol suite is the conceptual model and set of communications protocols used in the Internet and similar computer networks. It is commonly known as TCP/IP because the foundational protocols in the suite are the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP)...
[Thread] 1 线程的基本概念
[Thread] 2 线程的安全问题
[Thread] 3 线程的通信
[Thread] 4 线程创建新增方式(JKD 5.0)
JKD 5.0 线程创建新增方式
[ThreadPool] 2 线程池的使用练习
[ThreadPool] 1 线程池的使用
[Ubuntu] 1 Ubuntu 软件包管理
Ubuntu 软件包管理
[Ubuntu] 2 Ubuntu 用户和组管理
Ubuntu 用户和组管理
[Ubuntu] 3 Ubuntu 文件权限管理
Ubuntu 文件权限管理
[Ubuntu] 4.1 Ubuntu 安装 OpenJDK 11
OpenJDK (Open Java Development Kit) is a free and open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE)...
[Ubuntu] 4 Ubuntu 安装 JDK 1.8
The Java Development Kit (JDK) is one of three core technology packages used in Java programming, along with the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and the JRE (Java Runtime Environment)...
[Ubuntu] 5 Ubuntu 安装 Tomcat
Ubuntu 安装 Tomcat
[Ubuntu] 6.1 Ubuntu 安装 MySQL 8.0
Ubuntu 安装 MySQL 8.0
[Ubuntu] 6 Ubuntu 安装 MySQL 5.7
Ubuntu 安装 MySQL 5.7
[Ubuntu] Ubuntu Server(16.04)安装
Ubuntu is the modern, open source operating system on Linux for the enterprise server, desktop, cloud, and IoT...
[Ubuntu] Ubuntu Server(18.04、20.04)安装
Ubuntu is the modern, open source operating system on Linux for the enterprise server, desktop, cloud, and IoT...
[Ubuntu] Ubuntu 常用命令
Ubuntu 常用命令
[Utils - Commons Collections4] CollectionsUtils
Provides utility methods and decorators for Collection instances...
[Utils - Commons IO] 2 FilenameUtils
This package defines utility classes for working with streams, readers, writers and files...
[Utils - Commons Lang3] 2 ArrayUtils
Operations on arrays, primitive arrays (like int[]) and primitive wrapper arrays (like Integer[])...
[Utils - JDK] 1 Arrays
This class contains various methods for manipulating arrays...
[Utils - Commons IO] 3 IOUtils
This package defines utility classes for working with streams, readers, writers and files...
[Utils - JDK] 2 Files
This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on files, directories, or other types of files...
[Utils - Commons IO] 1 FileUtils
This package defines utility classes for working with streams, readers, writers and files...
[Utils - Commons Lang3] 1 StringUtils
Provides highly reusable static utility methods, chiefly concerned with adding value to the java.lang classes...
[npm] 1 npm
npm is the package manager for Node.js...
[npm] 2 npm common commands
npm is the package manager for Node.js...
Apache HttpClient
[Calling Third-party API - Apache HttpClient] HttpClient Tutorial
HttpClient is a HTTP/1.1 compliant HTTP agent implementation based on HttpCore. It also provides reusable components for client-side authentication, HTTP state management, and HTTP connection management...
[Calling Third-party API - OpenFeign] 1 Feign makes writing java http clients easier
Feign is a Java to HTTP client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket. Feign's first goal was reducing the complexity of binding Denominator uniformly to HTTP APIs regardless of ReSTfulness...
[Calling Third-party API - OpenFeign] 5 Feign Spring Cloud upload、download File
Feign is a Java to HTTP client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket. Feign's first goal was reducing the complexity of binding Denominator uniformly to HTTP APIs regardless of ReSTfulness...
[Calling Third-party API - OpenFeign] 3 Feign Call Case
Feign is a Java to HTTP client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket. Feign's first goal was reducing the complexity of binding Denominator uniformly to HTTP APIs regardless of ReSTfulness...
[Calling Third-party API - OpenFeign] 4 Feign Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker Fallbacks
Feign is a Java to HTTP client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket. Feign's first goal was reducing the complexity of binding Denominator uniformly to HTTP APIs regardless of ReSTfulness...
[Calling Third-party API - OpenFeign] 2 DefaultFeignClient Case and Summary
Feign is a Java to HTTP client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket. Feign's first goal was reducing the complexity of binding Denominator uniformly to HTTP APIs regardless of ReSTfulness...
[Enum] 枚举
Guava Cache
[Guava Cache] Guava Cache
Guava provides a very powerful memory based caching mechanism by an interface LoadingCache
[Maven] Maven 插件自动生成 MyBatis 代码
MyBatis 配置文件自动生成
[Spring MVC] 5 Maven 模块化开发
Maven 模块化开发
[POI - Alibaba EasyExcel] Alibaba EasyExcel
EasyExcel is a simple, memory-saving open source project for reading and writing Excel based on Java...
[POI - Apache POI] Apache POI
The Apache POI project is the master project for developing pure Java ports of file formats based on Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound Document Format...
[Redis] Redis 入门
Redis 入门
[SSM] SSM xml 配置整合
xml 配置整合
[SSM] SSM 注解 配置整合
Spring Retry
[Spring Retry] Spring Retry
Spring Retry provides an ability to automatically re-invoke a failed operation.
[Zip4j] Zip4j - A Java library for zip files
Zip4j is the most comprehensive Java library for zip files or streams...
Spring RestTemplate
[Calling Third-party API - Spring RestTemplate] The Guide to RestTemplate
Synchronous client to perform HTTP requests, exposing a simple, template method API over underlying HTTP client libraries such as the JDK HttpURLConnection, Apache HttpComponents, and others...